发布时间:2011/10/24 浏览次数:4691
If you wince when you hear it then you are not alone in thinking "sexting" is the most irritating phrase to have entered our lexicon this year. It topped a YouGov poll of 2,054 adults in the UK which revealed our least favourite new technology jargon of 2011. "Sexting" – meaning ‘the sending of sexually explicit photographs or messages by mobile phone’ – was the clear winner with 24 percent of votes cast. The runner-up was "Intexticated", with 13 percent of the vote - meaning ‘unable to concentrate while driving due to being distracted by texting’. "Defriend", with eight percent, meaning, "to remove someone from one’s list of friends on social networking site." Britain"s Computeractive magazine, which conducted the poll, awarded "sexting" its "Unspeakable Award" for the worst new piece of technology jargon. The prize was awarded for the ‘new, technology-related word most likely to make you wince, grimace or want to bang your head on the keyboard." The aim, the magazine said, was to promote the use of clear English and battle the technology world"s addiction to jargon. "There’s no arguing that "intexticated", "defriend" and "Twittersphere" are all unspeakable words’, says Paul Allen, editor of Computeractive. "But "sexting" is a worthy winner." "When you first hear it, you don"t know whether to wince, howl or just weep for the English language." "Any word voted more horrible than ‘intexticated’ deserves an award.’ The incident that made "sexting" famous involved the use of Twitter rather than a mobile phone, referring to US Congressman Anthony Wiener"s Twitter message of a suggestive picture to a 21-year-old woman. The incident led, in June 2011, to Weiner’s resignation. Many of the words in the top ten seem to involve Twitter - possibly due to the large number of different apps users use to access it, which has led to a lot of compound words. The voters chose from a shortlist of words determined by Computeractive.
如果你在听到sexting(发性短信)这个词的时候会皱眉,那么你并不孤单,有许多人都认为这个今年刚被收入字典的词汇是最烦人的。 YouGov公司这项涵盖了英国2054名成年人的调查揭示,sexting一词是2011年最不受欢迎的新科技术语。 Sexting一词的意思是“用手机发送色情照片或色情短信”,该词以24%的投票率成为绝对的“胜利者”。 排名第二的词是Intexticated,获得13%的票数,该词的意思是“驾车时由于发短信分心而不能集中注意力”。 获得8%票数的词Defriend意思是“在社交网站上将某人从好友列表中删除”。 开展这一调查的英国杂志《Computeractive》将最糟科技新术语的“不可言说奖”颁给了sexting一词。 该奖颁给的是“最让你想皱眉、做鬼脸或把头往键盘上撞的与科技相关的新词汇”。 该杂志称,开展这一调查的目的是为了推动纯正英语的使用,对抗科技世界对术语的沉迷。 《Computeractive》杂志的编辑保罗•艾伦说,“intexticated、defriend和Twittersphere这些词都是‘不可言说的词汇’,这一点是毋庸置疑的。” “不过sexting拔得头筹是实至名归。” “当你第一次听到这个词时,你不知道是该皱眉,还是该嗥叫,或是为英语语言悲叹。” “任何被票选为比intexticated更糟的词都应该被颁奖。” Sexting一词会出名与其说是因为手机不如说是因为微博Twitter,当时美国国会议员安东尼•维纳在Twitter上向一位21岁的女性发送带有性暗示的图片。 这一事件在2011年6月导致维纳辞职。 排在前十的许多词似乎都和Twitter有关,可能是因为不同应用程序的用户都能使用Twitter,庞大的用户群导致了许多合成词的产生。 这些词是投票者从《Computeractive》杂志确定的候选名单中选出的。 |