发布时间:2011/11/15 浏览次数:5373
Perfect teeth - white, straight and evenly aligned - may be the ideal in America, but that aesthetic is not for everyone. Japanese women are going gaga for a crowded, crooked-toothed smile with accentuated canine teeth, known as the "yaeba" look. Popular at dentists in Tokyo, a cosmetic procedure to create the yaeba effect involves attaching non-permanent adhesive mini-fangs to canine teeth. Yaeba, meaning "double tooth," is a sought-after treatment at Dental Salon Plaisir in Tokyo’s upmarket Ginza neighbourhood, where, perhaps in response to Twilight fans, Dr Kashiyama has been "pushing" the $390 alteration, according to InventorSpot.com. Far from the usual blood-lusting connotations of vampires, the sharp-canined look is an attempt at making a smile more child-like, replicating the odd alignment of smiles that are affected by delayed baby teeth. The look - frothed about on blogs, Facebook fan pages and on Japanese TV - is seen as adding a well-calculated dash of imperfection to a pretty face, adding to a woman"s desirability. Essentially, says the New York Times, the look is about a desire to appear younger. Pace University"s Dr Emilie Zaslow, assistant professor of communication studies, told the newspaper: "The naturally occurring yaeba is because of delayed baby teeth, or a mouth that’s too small. "It’s this kind of emphasis on youth and the sexualization of young girls." The trend follows the Western fondness of late for the gap-toothed smile - also a "young" dental look. Made popular by the likes of models Lara Stone, Georgia Jagger and Jessica Hart, the Madonna-style grin became a requested look at New York salons last year. Dr Marc Lowenberg, a cosmetic dentist in Manhattan, told the New York Times in 2010: "The white standard got too white. The perfection standard got too perfect." Vincent Devaud, a ceramist from Pasadena in California, added: "What makes a person desirable and attractive? It"s not the symmetry; it"s perfect imperfections." Kirsten Dunst would surely agree. The actress told Elle UK that is very fond of her "snaggleteeth." "I love my snaggle fangs," she said. "They give me character and character is sexy."
洁白、整齐、排列均匀的牙齿也许在美国堪称完美,但这种审美标准并不适合于所有人。日本女性最近热衷于“八重齿”,也就是那种看上去挤得东倒西歪、还有突出虎牙的齿相。 打造“八重齿”效果的整容项目目前在东京的牙科诊所里很流行,其中包括在自己的虎牙位置黏上一些非永久性小尖牙。 根据InventorSpot网站报道,八重齿”意思是“复齿”,这一整容项目在东京繁华的银座附近的“喜悦牙科沙龙”备受欢迎。在那里,也许是为了迎合《暮光之城》的粉丝,柏山医生一直在推销价值390美元的这一牙齿整容项目。 与传统的吸血鬼嗜血形象不同,这种虎牙笑脸可以使人的笑容看起来更带孩子气,重现了年幼时期乳牙未脱落时的“歪嘴笑”。 在日本,博客、Facebook粉丝页面,以及电视上到处可见这样的虎牙笑脸。大家普遍认为,在一张可爱的脸孔上加上一点点恰到好处的瑕疵,会增添女性的魅力。《纽约时报》报道说,这在本质上体现了女性显年轻的愿望。 美国佩斯大学的传播学助理教授艾米丽•萨斯洛博士告诉该报:“天然的‘八重齿’是因为乳牙延迟脱落或者嘴巴太小。而虎牙凸现了少女的朝气和女性特征。” 西方最近也流行一种“大牙缝”笑脸的时尚,也是一种显“年轻”的齿相。 劳拉•斯通、乔治亚•贾格尔、杰西卡•哈特等明星带动了这股整牙风,这种“麦当娜式的”露齿而笑去年成为纽约不少沙龙里客户的要求。 纽约曼哈顿的一名整形牙医马克•洛温伯格在2010年告诉《纽约时报》:“白色标准太白,完美标准太完美。” 美国加州帕萨迪纳市的陶艺家文森特• 德沃补充说:“是什么让一个人有魅力,吸引人?并不是长相匀称,而是完美中的瑕疵。” 克里斯汀•邓斯特当然同意这一观点。这位女星告诉英国Elle杂志,她很喜欢自己的“暴牙”。 她说:“我喜欢我的暴牙,它们让我很有个性,有个性就是性感。” |