发布时间:2012/1/6 浏览次数:5029
With the New Year just around the corner, President Obama said there will be “difficult debates” and “tough fights” ahead but that he’s hopeful the American people will come together to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class. “There’s no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change,” the president said in his weekly address from Hawaii, where he’s vacationing with his family. “As we head into the New Year, I’m hopeful that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger – to grow our economy, create more jobs, and strengthen the middle class.” Obama continued to describe the year to come as a “make-or-break” moment for the middle class, explaining “the actions we take in the months ahead will help determine what kind of country we want to be, and what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in.” The president said he’s optimistic about the upcoming year, in part because of the way lawmakers came together to extend the payroll tax cut and because the American public got involved. “It was good to see members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans. But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate,” he said as he enlisted Americans’ help in the challenges ahead. “You had the courage to believe that your voices could make a difference. And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.” “I’m confident that if we work together, and if you keep reminding folks in Washington what’s at stake, then we will move this country forward and guarantee every American the opportunities they deserve,” Obama said as he wished Americans a “happy new year.” |
2012年即将到来之际,美国总统奥巴马发表新年贺词称,新的一年将迎来“艰难的争论”和“困难的斗争”,但他真心希望美国人民会团结一心发展经济,并加强中产阶级的力量。 奥巴马在夏威夷与家人度假时发表每周演讲说:“毫无疑问,2012年会带来更多变革。在我们迈向新年时,我真心希望我们能够应对这些变革,并且变得更加强大,发展经济,创造就业,加强中产阶级的力量。” 奥巴马继续将2012年描述为对中产阶级来说“成败攸关”的一年,解释说:“在未来几个月里我们的行动将决定美国成为什么样的国家,以及我们希望子孙在怎样的世界中成长。” 奥巴马对来年表示乐观,部分是因为立法者们一起努力延长了工资税的减免期限,而且美国公众广泛参与其中。他在争取美国民众在未来应对挑战中的支持时说:“很高兴能看到国会议员们为千百万工薪人员做些好事。但这是因为有你们发表了自己的意见,这一切才成为可能。你们有勇气相信自己的声音会带来改变。在一天结束时,这些让一切都发生了改变。你们有勇气相信自己的声音会带来改变。在一天结束时,它们改变了一切。” 奥巴马祝美国民众“新年快乐”。他说:“我相信,只要我们团结一致,让美国政府官员知道什么才是最重要的,我们就能让国家继续前进,并保证每个美国人都能得到应得的机会。” |