法律词汇 (O-Q)

发布时间:2007/6/2   浏览次数:3085

法律词汇 (O-Q)
殴打他人 assault
偶犯 casual offender
排斥外在证据原则 parol evidence rule
排除责任条款 exclusion clause
排纷解讼 dissolution of disputes and litigation
排他性的独占权 exclusive monopoly right
派生的分租人 derivative under-lessor
派生的分租租契 derivative under-lease
判案理由 adjudicative reasons, grounds of judgment
判处 sentence
判定 confirm
判定债务人没有付款的誓章 affidavit of default on the part of the judgment debtor
判决 judgment
判决理据 grounds of judgment
判决书 written judgment
判决执行 enforcement of the judgment
判刑 sentence
泡沫经济 bubble economy
泡沫效应 bubble effect
培育新的经济增长点 to tap new sources of economic growth
赔偿 compensate
赔偿金 compensation money
赔偿损失 compensation for losses
赔偿责任 liability to damages
配股 allotment of shares, rationed shares
配合饲料 compound/mix feed
配偶 spouse
配偶的父母 parents-in-law
配套改革 concomitant reforms
配套人民币资金 local currency funding of
批复 Reply
批评教育 re-education
批准 approve, approval
批准机关 approval authority
批准文号 registered number of approval
批租土地 leasehold
批租土地财产 leasehold property
批租土地权益 leasehold interest
披露 disclose
皮包公司 briefcase company
片面追求发展速度 excessive pursuit of growth
偏瘫 hemiplegia
姘居 illicit cohabitation
拼音隔音符 notes and comment
品质 quality
平仓 close out, cover, position squaring
平仓价 exit price
平等互利协商一致的原则 principles of equality and mutual benefit and of negotiated consensus
平等权 equal right
平调给 assign
平顶山市 Pingdingshan Municipality
平衡发展 balanced development
平价 parity
平价期权 at-the-money option
平均价盘 average value order
平均每日成交额 average daily turnover
平买入仓 closing buy
平卖出仓 closing sale
平稳回升 steady recovery
评价 assess
凭票要求付款予持票人的银行纸币 bank notes payable to bearer on demand
凭样品的货物销售 sale of goods by sample
瓶颈制约 bottleneck
迫使 coerces
破产管理人 receiver
破产清算 liquidation
破坏电力设备 sabotage of electrical power equipment
破坏军人婚姻罪 crime of damaging the marriage of a member of the Armed Force
破坏社会主义经济秩序罪 crime of undermining the socialist economic order
破坏司法公正 perverting the course of justice
破坏他人财产 destroy private property
破裂 collapse
铺底流动资金 initial working capital
普遍回升 broad-based recovery
普遍优惠制 generalized preferential system, general system of preferences
普通法 common law
普通法院 Common Court
七五环保项目领导小组 The Seventh Five Year PlanEnvironmental Protection Projects Leading Group
期初存货 opening stock
期末存货 closing stock
期票 promissory note
欺压 oppression
欺诈性不作为 fraudulent omission
齐齐哈尔市 Qiqihaer Municipality
企图妨碍司法公正 attempting to pervert the course of justice
企业办社会 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities
企业产权 property rights of enterprises
企业法人 enterprise legal person
企业集团战略 corporate group strategy
企业兼并重组 company merger and restructuring
企业领导班子 enterprise management
企业所得税 enterprise income tax
企业效益 corporate profitability
企业重组 reshuffle of the enterprises
企业注册局 Enterprise Registration Bureau
企业资金违规流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market
企业资信证 capital credit certificate
启蒙时代 Age of Enlightenment
起诉 bring a suit against sb
起诉 initiate a public prosecution
起诉书 Bill of Indictment
起诉要求赔偿损失 sue for damage, start a suit to one"s loss
起诉意见书 Written Opinion Recommending Prosecution
起诉状 statement of complaint
汽垫船 hovercraft
契据 deed
契据式合同 contract by deed
契税 deed tax
契约法 law of contract
契约自由 freedom of ntract
洽商 discussion
迁徙自由 freedom of movement
前提条件 pre-conditions
潜逃境外 absconding abroad
欠缴 default of payment
欠款证明书 certificate of arrears
欠缺抗辩书 in default of defence
欠缺所有权 want of title
欠缺真诚 want of good faith
欠税 tax arrears
欠妥 Defect, deficient
欠息 overdue interest
强化税收征管 strengthen tax administration
强奸 rape
强迫婚姻 coerced marriage
强迫仲裁 compulsory arbitration
强制 coerces
强制措施 coercive measure
强制措施 enforcement action
强制交付令状 writ of specific delivery
强制力 power of enforcement
强制履行 enforced performance
强制性禁制令 mandatory injunction
强制许可 compulsory licensing
强制执行 enforce
强制执行措施 implementing measures
抢夺罪 crime of forcible seizure
抢购 panic buying
抢劫 robbery
敲诈勒索罪 offence of extortion by blackmail
翘尾因素 carryover effect
亲权 parental right
亲生父母 natural parents
亲生父亲或母亲 natural parent
亲生子女 natural child
侵犯 encroach on, infringe upon, violate
侵犯财产罪 crime of property violation
侵犯公民人身权利民主权利罪 crime of infringing upon personal rights and the democratic rights of citizens
侵害 infringe
侵权 Tort, infringe
侵权人 infringing party
侵权诉讼 action in tort
侵权行为 infringing acts, invasive conduct
侵入 trespass
侵吞公款 embezzlement
青岛市 Qingdao Municipality
青海省 Qinghai Province
青霉素 anka penicillin
青少年罪犯 juvenile offender
轻率承诺 mere promise
轻微犯罪 minor offences
轻微缺陷 light defects
轻微违约行为 trivial breach
倾向性的 tendentious
倾销 dump
倾斜政策 preferential policy
清偿 repay
清理收回贷款 clean up and recover loans
清龙满族自治县 Qing Long Manchu Nationality Autonomous Region
清算公司 clearing corporation
情节 circumstances of the case
氰化钠 sodium cyanide
请求 petition
请示 request
请示报告 Request for Instructions
请予批复 We hereby respectfully request for a reply thereto
区别对待 differential treatment
区域经济 regional economies
趋势加强 intensifying trend
衢州市 Quzhou Municipality
取保候审 obtain a guarantor pending trial
取得 procurement
取得补偿的权利 right to compensation
取得物质帮助权 right to material assistance
取消大律师资格 disbarred
去世债务人财产官方扣押令状 writ of diem clausit extremum
圈封土地 enclosed land
全国爱国卫生运动委员会 National Patriotic (Public) Health Campaign Commission
全国博士后管理委员会 National Post-Doctor Regulatory Commission
全国残疾人康复工作办公室 National the Handicapped Recovery Working Office
全国打击走私领导小组 National Crack Down Smuggling Leading Group
全国电子交易系统 National Electronic Trading System (NETS)
全国电子信息系统推广办公室 National Electronic Information System Promotion Office
全国妇女联合会 National Women"s Federation
全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会 National Higher Education Examination For the Self-Study Steering Commission
全国工业产品生产许可证办公室 National Industrial Product Manufacture Licensing Certificate Office
全国供销合作总社 National Supply and Marketing Cooperative General Agency
全国技术市场协调领导小组 National Technology Market Coordination Leading Group
全国加强企业管理领导小组 National Strengthening Enterprise Management Leading Group
全国教育工会 National Education Labour Union
全国禁毒工作领导小组 National Ban Drugs Work Leading Group
全国控制集团购买力办公室 National Group Purchasing Power Control Office
全国老旧汽车更新领导小组办公室 National Crate Replacement Leading Group Office
全国老龄委 China Aging Problem National Commission
全国绿化委员会 National Aflorestation Environmental Protection Commission
全国普及法律常识办公室 National Popularization of Legal Knowledge Office
全国清理三乱领导小组办公室 National Clearing "Three Mess"Leading Group Office
全国清理整顿公司领导小组 National Clean-up and Rectification Companies Leading Group
全国人大常委会 The Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress
全国人大及其常务委员会 National People"s Congress and its Standing Committee
全国人民代表大会 The National People Congress of the People"s Republic of China
全国人民代表大会常务委员会 The Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress
全国人民代表大会主席团 Presidium of the National People"s Congress
全国扫黄工作小组办公室 National "Campaign against Pornography" Working Group Office
全国扫盲工作部际协调小组 National Eliminating Illiteracy Work Inter-Department Coordination Group
全国水土保持工作协调小组 National Water and Land Preservation Work Coordination Group
全国土地资源调查办公室 National Land Resources Investigation Office
全国哲学社会科学规划领导小组 National Philosophy Social Science Planning Leading Group
全国政协科教文卫体委员会 Science Education Culture Health and Sport Commission of the CPPCC
全国支持经济不发达地区资金管理委员会 National supporting Economic Underdeveloped District Funds Regulatory Commission
全国职工教育管理委员会 National Workers Education Regulatory Commission
全国专业标准化技术委员会 National Professional Standardization Techniques Commission
全面摊薄每股盈利 fully diluted earnings per share
全面仲裁 comprehensive arbitration
全民所有企业 enterprise under the ownership of the whole people
全球化 globalization
全球期货交易系统 Globex
全资附属公司 wholly-owned subsidiary
权利和利益 rights and interests
权利人 creditor
权利文件 entitlement document
权利义务相一致的精神 the spirit that rights are equated with responsibilities
权利主体 subject of right
权限 limit of authority
权限文件 authority
权益回报率 returns on equity
泉州市 Quanzhou Municipality
缺乏后劲 unsustainable momentum
缺乏可接受的依据 absence of acceptable grounds
缺陷 defect
确定 assese
确定 confirm
确定数额 quantify
确权纠纷案件 controversy over ownership of patent right
确权决定案件 case concerning decisions on ownership
确权之诉 interpleader cause
确认 affirmation
群众 the general public
