法律词汇 (R-T)

发布时间:2007/6/2   浏览次数:5967

让与 relinguish
扰乱办公秩序 disturbing the order in the workplace
扰乱公共秩序 public disorder
扰乱社会秩序罪 offence of disrupting the social order
绕规模贷款 circumvent credit ceiling
人参 ginseng
人大财政经济委员会 Financial and Economic Affairs Committee of the NPC
人大法制委员会 Law Committee of the NPC
人大华侨委员会 Overseas Chinese Committee of the NPC
人大教育, 科学, 文化, 卫生委员会 Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the NPC
人大民族委员会 Nationalities Committee of the NPC
人大外事委员会 Foreign Affairs Committee of the NPC
人道理由 humanitarian grounds
人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP
人均收入 per capita income
人类精子库 human sperm bank
人民 People
人民币升值压力 upward pressure on the Renminbi
人民代表大会制 system of the people"s congress
人民法庭 People"s Tribunal
人民法庭书记员 People"s Tribunal clerk
人民法院 People"s Court
人民法制 People"s legal system
人民公社 People"s Commune
人民检察员 People"s Procurator
人民检察院 People"s Procuratorate
人民民主专政 People"s democratic dictatorship
人民陪审员 People"s Assessors
人权 human rights
人权法案 Bill of Rights
人权思想 idea of human rights
人身 person
人身保护令 write of habeas corpus
人身保护令状 write of habeas corpus
人身不得侵犯权 personal inviolability
人身监护人 guardian of the person
人身伤害 personal injury
人身受到攻击 attack on ... person
人身自由 personal freedom
人事部 Ministry of Personmel
人寿保险 life insuance
人寿保险单 life insuance policy
人体器官 human organ
人体器官移植委员会 Human Organ Transplant Board
人头税 poll tax
人员编制 manning quotas
人质 hostage
人种本源 ethnic origins
认定 Cognizance, verification
认购股份 subscription for shares
认缴资本 subscribed capital
认可 approve
认为 assumed as, taken as
认罪 plead guilty
任何人不使自己入罪的权利 a person"s right not to incrominate himself
任意记载事项 arbitrary item
仍未了结 pending
日内瓦公约 Geneva Convention
入股金 premium
入境 entry
入境者, 移民 immigrant
入境证 entry permit
入罪 incriminate
软贷款 soft loans
软预算约束 soft budget constraint
软着陆 soft landing
三产 tertiary industry
三分之二大多数 majority of two-thirds
三高农业 three highs" agriculture (high yield, high quality and high efficiency agriculture)
三个代表 three represents theory (The Party should always represent the development needs of China"s advanced social productive forces, always represent the onward direction of China"s advanced culture, and always represent the fundamental interests of the largest
三角债 chain debts
三来一补企业 the enterprises that process raw materials on clients" demands, assemble parts for the clients and process according to the clients" samples, or engage in compensation trade.
丧事 funeral
森林法院 Forest Court
煽动文件 seditious words
善政廉政 good governance
擅自 selfishly
擅自 unauthorized
赡养 spousal support
伤害罪 crime of injuring another person
商标 trademark
商标使用许可合同 trademark licensing contract
商法 commercial law
商检局 Commodity Inspection Bureau
商品检验 commodity testing
商业贷款 commercial loans
商业企业 merchandizing enterprising
商业仲裁会 Commercial Arbitration Association
商誉 goodwill
上层架构 superstructure
上访 appeal to the higher authorities for help
上海公证会计师事务所 Shanghai Notarial Accountants" Office
上海市海事律师事务所 Shanghai Municipal Marnimc Affair Lawyers" Office
上海专利事务所 Shanghai Patent Agency
上课令 attendance order
上市 listed
上市公司 listed company
上市公司 listed corporations
上市股份 listed shares
上市证券 listed securities
上述 above
上诉 appeal
上诉案件聆讯表 list of appeals
上诉被撤回 appeal withdrawn
上诉驳回 appeal dismissed
上诉当事人 party to the appeal
上诉的权利 right of appeal
上诉的诉可 leave to appeal
上诉登记册 registers of appeals
上诉动议通知书 notice of motion of appeal
上诉法庭 the Court of Appeal
上诉法庭法官 Justice of Appeal
上诉法庭庭长 chief justice of the Count of Apeal
上诉获得解决 appeal disposed of
上诉理由 grounds of appeal
上诉权 right of appeal
上诉人 appellant
上诉审裁处 appellate tribunal
上诉司法管辖权 appellate jurisdiction
上诉通知 notice of appeal
上诉通知书 notice of appeal
上诉委员会 Appeal Committee
上诉许可申请书 appealication for leave to appeal
上诉用案件呈述的方式 appeal by way of a case stated
上诉摘要 memorandum of appeal
上诉状 petition of appeal
尚在其母腹中的子女 a child en ventre sa mere
少年 juvenile
少年法庭 juvenile court
少年犯管教所 juvenile reformatory
少年犯人 juvenile offender
少年人 yong person
少年罪犯 yong offenders/youthful offender
少数权益 minority interests
设备利用 capacity utilization
社会保障 social safety net
社会保障制度 social security system
社会法学派 sociological school
社会福利法 social welfare legislation
社会公德 social ethics
社会和经济利益 social and economic interests
社会经济权利 social and economic right
社会主义公有制 socialist public ownership
社会主义企业 socialist enterprises
涉外案件 case concerning foreign interests
涉外经济 foreign-related business
赦免 pardon
麝香虎骨膏 musk & tiger bone electuary
申请 apply
申请不获批准 application was rejected
申请在先原则 first-to-file principle
申诉 appeal
申诉裁决书字号 Written Decision of the Security Administration Punishment Appeal No.
申诉告诉庭 Petition and Filing Division
申诉权 right to appeal
申诉人 appellant
申诉庭 Appealing division
身份识别文件 identification document
身份证明文件 identity document
身居父母地位 in loco parentis
深层次矛盾 deep-rooted structural imbalance
审裁委员小组 panel of adjudicators
审裁小组 tribunal
审查 investigate
审查机关 examining authority/authorities
审察员 censor
审级 level of trial
审计机关 auditing body
审计署 Audit Bureau
审结时间 date of conclusion of hearing
审理 Try
审理案件 try cases
审理阶段 inquisition stage
审理上诉 hearing of appeals
审理诉案 hold pleas
审判 trial
审判长 chief judge
审判程序 judicial process
审判管辖 trial jurisdiction
审判机关 trial institution
审判监督 judicial supervision
审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision
审判教育 education at trial
审判阶段 process of adjudication
审判权 judicial power
审判实践 judicial practice
审判庭 trial division
审判委员会 Judicial Committee
审判委员会审判长 Judicial Committee Chief Judge
审判委员会审判员 Judicial Committee Judge
审判委员会助理审判员 Judicial Committee Assistant Judge
审判员 judge
审判组织 trial organization
审批国家预算 examine and approve the State budget
审批金融机构 license financial institutions
审慎监管 prudential supervision
审受理费 court costs
审议 review
生产大队 production team
生产国 manufacturing country
生产能力闲置 unutilized capacity
生产数据 means of production
生产数据所有制 ownership of the means of production
生产许可证 manufacturing permit, manufacturing license
生产资料 production means
生活准则 Living criteria
生活资料 means of livelihood
生活资助费 living expenses support
生息资产 interest-bearing assets
生效 take effect
生效的判决 binding judgment
生效日期 effective date
生效实施 comes into effect
省辖市 The Municipality Directly Controlled by a Provincial Government
失去时效的 stale
失实陈述 misrepresentation
失效 invalid
失血性休克 haemorrhagic shock
失职行为 misconduct
失职行为 dereliction of duty
施工许可证 Construction Permit
施行的 operative
十足代价 full consideration
十足弥偿 complete indemnity
十足诉讼费 full cost
十足效力 full operation
十足有值代价 full valuble consideration
实际利用外资 disbursement of foreign capital
实际履行 specific performance
实际履行令 decree of specific performance
实际问题 practical issue
实际有效汇率 real effective exchange rate
实施 Enforce, put into effect
实施合理的关注 take reasonable care
实施细则 Implementing Rules
实时 real time
实事求是 seek truth from facts, be pratical and realistic
实收资本 paid-in capital
实体法律 substantive law
实体经济 the real economy
实物证据 tangible evidence
实习大律师 pupil
实现利润 realized profit
实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to
实用主义 pragmatism
实证法 positive law
实证法学家 positivists
实质审查原则 examination-as-to substance principle
实质性金钱损失 sbstantial pecuniary loss
实质性损害赔偿金 sbstantial damages
使失效 vitiating
使无效 nullify
使用权 right to use
使用伪造或虚假的文件 uttering a forged or false document
世界贸易组织协议 World Trade Organization Agreement
世界人权宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
世界知识产权组织 World Intellectual Property Organization
世系 stock
市场波幅 market volatility
市场参与者 market participant
市场从业员 market practitioner
市场调节的辅助作用 auxiliary function of market adjustment
市场定价 price discovery
市场分割 market segmentation
市场风险 market risk
市场经济 market economy
市场气氛 market sentiment
市场占有率 market share
市场占有率(市场份额) market share
市场准入 market access (指商品和劳务的进入)
市价总值 market capitalization
市区 district
市盈率 price/earnings ratio
市政工程 municipal works
市值 capitalisation
事实婚姻 de facto marriage
事实婚姻的男女 men and women under de facto marriages
事实上的财产处分 factual disposition of property
试用期 probationary period
是第三者造成的 wrought by a third party
是合理合法的 is correct under both reason and law
适当人选 fit and proper person
适当主管当局 appropriate authority
适度从紧 appropriately tight
适时调节 timely adjustment
适用 application
适用法律 applicable law
适用性 fitness
释放 dischargg
释义 construction
收购 acquisition
收购单位 purchasing station
收购兼并 merger and acquisition
收购土地 acquisitioh of land
收回对金融机构贷款 to recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)
收回土地 recover land
收回债款扣押令状 writ of extent
收集 collect
收盘价 closing price
收取费用 charge fees
收取已拒付汇票的付款 receive payment suprà protest
收容审查 sheltering for investigation
收容审查决定 decision of sheltering for investigation
收容审查决定字号 Written Decision of Sheltering for Investigation No.
收市价 closing price
收市盘 at-the-close order
收受贿赂 accept bribes
收养 adoption
收养法 law of adoption
收养关系 adoptive relationship
收养手续 adoption process
收益 revenue
收益率 yield
收益率曲线 yield curve
手工业管理局 Handicraft Industry Administration Bureau
手令 warrant
手令上的批注 endorsement on the warrant
手续 procedure
守约方 non-breaching party
首次公开发行的股票 initial public offering
首份法律程序文件 first proceeding
首席大律师 leading counsel
首席法律顾问 chief law adviser
受挫 frustration
受供养子女 dependent child
受害人 Victim, sufferer
受害一方 injured party
受贿罪 crime of accepting bribe
受寄人 bailee
受监护的未成年者 ward
受看守的被告人 accused in custody
受理 accept and hear a case
受理案件 accepting and hearing the case
受理上诉的法院 appellate court
受理一件案件 accept and hear a case
受屈人士 person aggrieved
受让方 assignee
受让人 assignee
受让人公司 transfere company
受托保管人 bailee
受托人 bailee
受托人 trustee
受委托送达的法院 The People"s Court to whom the service is entrusted
受益人 beneficiary
受赠的财产 property received as gift
受赠人 donee
受制于付款判决的财务人 debtor under a judgement for money
授权委托书 letter of authorization
授权文件 authority/powers
书记员 clerk
书面保证 letter of guarantee
书面报告 written report
书面词句 written words
书面答辨 a written defence
书面的 in writing
书面审理 documentary trial
书面协议 agreement in writing
书面遗嘱 a written will
书面证据 written evidence
书证 documentary evidence
疏忽大意 negligence
疏忽职守 dereliction of duty
术语 terminology
数罪并罚 cumulative punishment
双边公约 bilateral convention
双边合同 bilateral contract
双方所承担的责任作相应赔偿的原则 principle of proportionate responsibly of each side
双方自愿离婚 consensual divorce
双务合同 bilateral contract
水利部 Ministry of Water Conservancy
水利电力部 The Ministry of Water Resources and Power
水上运输法院 Water Transport Court
水上运输检察院 Water Transport Procuratorate
水务监督 Water Authority
水域 territorial sea
水运 shipping
税后还贷 amortization (repayment of loans) after tax
税款延解占压 taxes delayed withholding
税收流失 tax erosion
税收行政处罚 administrative decision imposing a penalty by local tax authority
税收优惠 favourable tax conditions
税务局 Tax Bureau
税务违章处理通知书字号 Notice of Penalty for Violating Tax Regulation of Tax No.
税务违章行政决定 administrative decision on violating taxation rules
税源不足 weak tax base
说明 interpretation
说明书的货物销售 sale of goods by description
司法 administration of justice
司法部 Ministry of Justice
司法程序文件 judicial process
司法复核 judicial review
司法公正 justice
司法管辖权 jurisdiction
司法建议 judicial opinions
司法鉴定结论 conclusion of judicial evaluation
司法鉴定科学技术研究所 statutory Specified Scientific Technology Research Institute
司法解释 Judicial Interpretation
司法警察 judicial police
司法权 judicial power
司法人员 judicial officer
司法审查权 judicial examination power
司法审核 judicial review
司法损害 judicial determents
司法体制 judicial structure
司法文件 judicial documents
司法协助条约 judicial assistance treaty
司法行为 judicial action
司法以外文件 extra-judicial documents
司法制度 judicial system
司法主管当局 judicial authority
私法 private law
私房政策落实办 Private House Policies Implementation Office
私权 private rights
私人土地 private land
私营独资企业 sole proprietorship
私营工商业 privately run industrial and commercial enterprises
私营工商业者 private industrialists and businessmen
私营经济(私人经济) the private sector
私有财产权 private ownership
私有财产神圣不可侵犯 inviolability of private property
私有制 private ownership
私章 signet
私自涂改 unilateral amendment
死刑 death sentence
死刑案件 death sentence case
死刑复核 death sentence review
死刑复核程序 death penalty review procedure
死刑核准权 the power of approving the death penalty
死刑缓期二年执行 death sentence with a two-year reprieve
死因裁判人员 coroner"s officer
死者 the deceased
四固定 four-fixation
四无公司 four-without company
饲料 Forge, fodder, feed
饲料添加剂 feed additive supplement
饲养自留畜 raise private domestic animals
怂恿 instigate
讼累 caseloads
讼争物 thing in controversy
送达法律程序文件 service of process
送达回执 service return receipt
送达证 proof of service
搜查纪录 record of search
搜查证 search warrant
诉称 allegation
诉讼 Lawsuit, litigation, legal action, judicial action, action
诉讼保全, 财产保全 property preservation
诉讼标的 Subject matter
诉讼参与人 litigant participant
诉讼程序 judicial proceeding
诉讼代理人 agent ad litem
诉讼的最后一份预备文件 last prelimary act in the action
诉讼费 litigation cost
诉讼请求 claim
诉讼权 right of actioe
诉讼权利 litigious right
诉讼时效 statute of limitation
诉讼文书 lawsuit writs
诉讼中止 discontinuance of proceedings
溯及既往动力 retrospective effect
损害程度 degree of harm
损害公众利益 injurious to the public interest
损害估计 assessment of damage
损害赔偿金 damages
损害赔偿金项目 heads of damages
损失 loss
损益表 statement of gains and losses
唆使 incite
所得税 income tax
所诉的是已提供付款 pleads a tender
所有权 ownership
所有权欠妥 defect in title
所有者权益 owner"s equity
索取 extort
索取贿赂 extort bribe
索取贿赂 solicit bribe
他罪成立的裁定 alternative convictions
太原市 Taiyuan Municipality
贪污 corruption
瘫痪 hemiplegia
坦率诚实 uberrimae fidei
逃犯 escape criminal
逃犯 fugitive criminal
逃税(请见"避税") tax evasion
淘汰 fall into disuse, die out
套购倒卖 fraudulently purchasing and reselling
套汇 currency swap
套汇 非法 illegal purchase of foreign exchange
套利 arbitrage
特别法庭 Special Court
特别法庭副庭长 Special Court vice-president
特别法庭庭长 Special Court president
特别公证人 special referee
特别规定 special provisions
特别检察厅 Special Procuratorate
特别检察厅副厅长 Special Procuratorate deputy director
特别检察厅厅长 Special Procuratorate director
特别条件条款 special condition
特别行政区 special administrative region
特别注明的令状 specially endorsed writs
特此通报 so reported
特定行政行为 specific administrative action
特定用途 particular purpose
特立此据为证 drafted specifically as evidence for this preface
特请予解释并望指示 hereby request for clearance and instructions
特权待遇 privileged treatment
特殊侵权民事责任 special torts
特提别起诉 请求依法惩处 a public prosecution was hereby initiated and the defendants were asked to be given punishments according to law
特许税 franchise tax
特许文件 licence
特种债券 special bonds
特准人员 authorized officer
剔除季节性因素 seasonally adjusted
提案 bill
提案上诉 legal an appeal
提出 raise
提出反对 lodge an objection
提出具体意见 submit detailed opinions on
提出如下意见 render the following opinions
提出上诉 lodge an appeal, file an appeal
提出上诉 appeal against
提出行政复议 apply for administrative review to
提供 offer
提货单 bill of lading
提起诉讼 institute a proceeding
提起指控 commence a prosecution
提起指控 initiate a prosecution
提取 seize
提审 deliver
提审判决书 written judgment of retrial
替代 in lieu
替代履行措施 substituting performance
天灾 act of God
挑拨性 provocative
条件 condition
条例 Regulations
条文 article
贴现窗口 discount window
贴现公司 discount house
铁道部 Ministry of Railways
铁路运输法院 Railway Transport Court
铁路运输检察院 Railway Transport Procuratorate
铁路运输中级法院 The Intermediate Railroad Transportation Court
通存通兑 the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed at any branch bank
通告 notice
通货回笼 withdrawal of currency in circulation
通奸 commit adultery, adultery
通辽市 Tongliao Municipality
通知 notice
同案犯 joint offender
同比 on year-on-year basis
同居 Cohabitation
同居生活 cohabiting
同谋 accomplice
同业拆借 inter-bank borrowing
同业拆借市场利率 CHIBOR
同业融通票据 inter-bank financing bills
同业往来 inter-bank transactions
同意 consent
铜 copper
童养媳 child daughter-in-law
统一若干有关提单的法律规则国际公约 International Convention for the Unification of
统一政令 unified policies and decrees of the State
统一仲裁 unitary arbitration
偷税 tax evasion
偷税罪 crime of tax evasion
头寸 position
头破血流 crashed the head and caused bleeding
投保人 policy holder
投机倒把 speculation and profiteering
投机倒把罪 crime of speculation
投票代表 proxy
投入生产 put into production, go into operation
投资比例 proportion of investment
透露文件 discovery
透支 overdraft
徒刑 imprisonment
土地 land
土地按揭 mortgage on land
土地财产 real property
土地发展公司 Land Development Corporation
土地估价 land valuation
土地管理法 land management law
土地及其他财产 real and assumed property
土地交换权利 land exchange entitlement
土地纠纷处理决定 land dispute decision
土地开发建设基金管理领导小组 Land Development Construction Fund Management Leading Group
土地契约 leases of land
土地权益 interests in land
土地审裁处 Lands Tribunal
土地审裁处法官 Presiding Officer, Lands Tribunal
土地使用权 Land Use Right
土地使用证 Certificate of Land Use Right
土地诉讼 real action
土地通行权 wayleave
土地委员会 Land Commission
土地行政处罚 land administrative punishment decision
土地行政处罚决定 land administrative sanction
土地行政决定 land administrative decision
土地遗赠继承人 devisee
土地征用 land acquisition
土地注册 land registration
土地注册处 Land Registry
土地注册处处长 Land Registrar
土地注册处注册记录册 Land Registry register
推翻 override
退出公约 denounced the Convention
退库 Refund, withdraw from treasury
退库凭证 refund vouchers
退税 tax refund
退休 retire
吞吐基础货币 adjustment of monetary base
托收承付 collection payment
托运人 shipper
拖带合同 contract of towage
脱离 Abandon
脱媒现象 disintermediation
脱逃罪 crime of escape