法律词汇 (U-W)

发布时间:2007/6/2   浏览次数:2238

外部审计 external audit
外国直接投资 foreign direct investment
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves
外汇调剂 foreign exchange swap
外汇风险 foreign exchange exposure
外汇管理及外汇收支平衡 foreign exchange management and balance
外汇管制 exchange control
外汇期权 forex option
外汇占款 the RMB counterpart of foreign exchange reserves
外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs
外交代表 diplomatic agent
外交人员 diplomatic agent
外商独资企业 Wholly foreign-owned enterprise
外向型经济 export-oriented economy
外债 sovereign debt
外债 external debt
外资股 foreign share
外资企业 foreign enterprise
外资企业 foreign-funded enterprises
完善现代企业制度 improve the modern enterprise system
完税凭证 tax payment documentation
玩忽职守 neglect their duties
危害公共安全 endangered public security
危害公共安全罪 crime of endangering public security
危害种族罪公约 Genocide Convention
微碳铬铁 chromic carbide iron
微小价值 nominal value
为保障公众起见 for the protection of the public
为公众利益 in the public interest
违法 illegality
违法的处罚决定 unlawful penalty decision
违法经营 illegal business
违法乱纪 violate the law and discipline
违法行为 actus reus
违反 Breach, violate
违反公共秩序 contrary to public order
违反公平 contrary to fairness
违反公众利益 contrary to the public interest
违反合同 breach of contract
违反监规 in violation of the jail regulations
违反外汇管理规例 breach of foreign exchange control regulations
违约 default
违约 breach of someone"s duty
违约罚金 contractual fine
违约金 liquidated damages
违约任 liabilities for breach of contracts
维持 sustain
维持原判决 original judgment sustaines
维尔纳领事关系公约 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
维修 maintenance
伪冒文件 simulated papters
伪造 forgery
伪造车票未遂罪 crime of attempting to counterfeit train tickets
伪造车票罪 crime of counterfeiting train tickets
伪造车票罪 crime of counterfeiting vehicle tickets
伪造国家货币 counterfeits national currency
伪造国家机关公文及印章 forging official documents and seals
伪造文件 forged document
伪证罪 crime of falsifying evidence
委托 instruct
委托存款 entrusted deposits
委托大律师 instruct counsel
委托代理 agency
委托代理人 entrusted agent
委托律师 mandatory lawyer
委托人 bailor
委托人民法院 entrusting People"s Court
委托事项 matter entrusted
委托书 Letter of Entrustment
委员小组 panel
猥亵行为 indecent assault
卫生部 Ministry of Health
卫生局 Public Health Bureau
未被提及的 silent
未成年 under age
未成年犯 juvenile offender
未成年人 minor
未成年人的监护人 gardian of person under 8
未成年子女 minor child
未成年罪犯 minor offender
未批租土地 unleased land
未设定抵押或债权 free from charge or encumbrance
未有效 not yet in effect
温州市 Wenzhou Municipality
文本 text
文告 proclamation
文化部 Ministry of Culture
文件 document
文件清单 lists of documents
文件透露 discovery of documents
文件证物 documentary exhibits
文书 copy clerk
文书错误 clerical mistakes
文字商标 word trade mark
稳步增长 steady growth
稳健的银行系统 a sound banking system
稳中求进 make progress while ensuring stability
窝藏赃物罪 crime of concealing the booty
窝赃罪 crime of harbouring stolen contraband
诬告陷害 false accusation
诬告陷害罪 crime of false accusation
诬告罪 crime of false accusation
无产阶级专政 proletarian dictatorship
无法律代表 not legally represented/unrepresented
无国籍人士 stateless persons
无过错的 innocent
无过错责任原则 doctrine of no-fault liability
无过失责任 liability without fault
无力偿还 unable to repay
无力偿还公司 insolvent company
无律师代表的诉讼人 litigant in person
无民事行为能力的人 person with no legal capacity
无名条款 innominate term
无期徒刑 life imprisonment
无权干涉 with no right to interfere
无人反对的破产呈请 unopposed bankruptcy petition
无息贷款 interest-free loan
无限公司 unlimited company
无限责任 unlimited responsibility
无效 avoid
无效的 invalid
无行为能力 incapacity
无形财产 intangible property
无纸交易 book-entry transaction
无主财产 unclaimed property
无资格 incapacity
无罪 innocence
无罪判决 verdict of innocence
芜湖市 Wuhu Municipality
五讲四美 five attentions and four beauties
五金化工 metals and chemicals
武断判决 arbitrary judgment
武警总部 The Headquarters of the People"s Armed Police
侮辱 insult
侮辱诽谤 Libel, slander
侮辱妇女 humiliating women
侮辱罪 crime of insult
物价监测 price monitoring
物流 the interflow of goods and materials
物业管理 estate management, property management
物质生活 material living
物质损失 material loss