发布时间:2007/7/24 浏览次数:4580
看以下例示的“实施”条文英译之典型错误——亦前本之鉴也。就此专题,笔者在其他著述中涉及过不止一次。但看来,积重一时 (其实此“一时”有数年至十数年之久)难返。本文又一次提出,不仅“温故知新”而已,且系着眼于新的视角并以新的(1997-1998)资料为根据的错误事实及其分析,希望这类典型错误在今后十年内能在我们的法律英译中斩草除根,永远绝灭。
(1) Art.22 The present Measures shall come into effect from March 1,1997
(2) Art.43 The present Regulations shall come into force from July l,1996.
(3) Art.23 The detailed Rules come into force as from the date of its [?!]promulgation.
(4) Art.35 This law shall go into effect as of January 1,1995.
——《手册》, P.1037
(5) Art.80 These Rules shall come into force,as from October 1, 1995.
(6) Art. This Law shall come into force as off September 1,1995.
(7) Art.21 The present provisions shall be implemented on a trial basis September 1,1997.
(8) Art.14 The present provisions shall become effective on the day of promulgation.
(9) Art. 28 The Present provisions shall become effective on the day of promulgation.
甲 除上列例(3)之外,其余各例之谓语动词都由“shall”与原形主动词构成。但按英语言语实践的客观规律,这种“shall”的是违反规律的即错误的。这种滥用“shall”的错误在我们的法律翻译实践中是非常普遍的,从而给我们的(而不是英语国家的)法律英译者一个错觉:误以为于兹场合使用“shall”的这种错误不是错误而是正确了。但我们法律汉译英的错误决不因其频率之高而不算错误了。请看《民法通则》第156条的下列正确译文:
(1) Article 156 The Law goes into effect on January 1,1987.
——From Collection of Laws and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Concerning Foreign Economic Affairs Vol 6, Beijing Law publishing House,1987,p.91
(2) Article 156 The Law goes into effect on January 1,1987
——General principles of Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China,translated by Whitmore Gray and Henry Ruiheng Zheng, from Lam and Contemporary problems,Vol.52 Spring & Summer 1989,Numbers 2 & 3
(3) Article 156 This law becomes effective on the first day of January 1,1987.
——China Law Reporter, American Bar Association
(4) Article l56 This law Shall Come into force on January 1,1987.
——The Laws of the People " s Republic of China (1983-1986), Foreign language press, 1987, p.249
(5) Article l56 This law Shall Come into force on 1 January, 1987.
——General Principles of Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, CCH Australia
(7)在法律条文的英语中,“shall”不是一个temporal verb而只是个“modal verb”;
(8)一项法律定于何时实施,是该法律本身的规则(rule of law)[而不是当事人必须如此这般的行为规则(rule of conduct)]其动词当然是平铺直叙的直陈式(不用shall);
乙 上列各例中除例(7)中的“be implemented”外,主要动词“(be)come”或“go”都作用刹那的时间点(而无法作用于时间段),因此凡是用“from…….”、“as from..”或“as of…….”等介词短语的实例全都错了
于此相反,例(7)“be implemented”则是作用于时间段的(得以实施的状态)却被译成只作用于时间点“on September 1,1997.”当然是一个错误(应更正为“as of”或“as from Sept.1,1997”).
丙 英语习惯与汉语不同,汉语一般只须说“请举手!”而不必说“请举你们的手”,而英语则一般得说“Raise your hands”而不是说“Raise hands, please!”(特殊情况下说“hands up!”自当别论)。由此可见,上列例子8-9的“on the date of promulgation”的“promulgation”就同刚才提到的“hands”一样,必须有相应的物主代词才是而现在这样不用物主代词,当然是错的。
① The detailed Rules come into force on the date of their promulgation.
② The detailed Rules comes into force on the date of its promulgation.