
发布时间:2007/6/5   浏览次数:6263

Some friends were hoping their second child would be a girl, and they even had a name picked out. The ultrasound didn’t reveal the baby’s sex, though, and since the expectant father had orders from the Navy to ship out before the due date, he told his wife, “We’d better pick out a boy’s name, just in case.” But when it was time for him to report for duty, they still hadn"t decided. At sea a few weeks later, he got notification that his son, Justin Kase, had been born.

某个朋友迫切期待着他们的第二个即将出世的孩子是一个女孩,甚至于早早地就把一个女孩子的名字起好了。但是超声波检测并没有查出孩子的性别。由于这个快做父亲的朋友在孩子出生前接受了海军出行的任务,临行的准备期间,他嘱咐妻子说:“我们最好起一个男孩子的名字以防万一(Just in case)。”但是直至出行,他们仍然没有做出决定几周后的航海途中,他收到一个通知说的是他的儿子,Justin Kase出生了
