法律词汇 (L-N)
发布时间:2007/6/2 浏览次数:2235
垃圾债券 junk bond
来料加工 processing of imported materials for export
莱茵河航行公约 Rhine Navigation Convention
赖以保护 relying on
蓝牙技术 bluetooth
滥用职权 abuse of power
劳动保险 labour insurance
劳动法 labour law
劳动改造 reform-through-labour
劳动和社会保障部 Ministry of Labour and Social Securities
劳动纪律 labour discipline
劳动教养 rehabilitation-through-labour
劳动教养处罚 punishment of rehabilitation through labour
劳动教养决定 decision of rehabilitation through labour
劳动教育 re-education through labour
劳动能力 ability to work
劳役 penal servitude
老家 one"s own home
类推审核 analogy review
类推审核法院 Court of Analogy Review
类推适用 application by analogy
累犯 recidivist
离岸价格 FOB
离岸价格 free on board
离岸银行业务 off-shore banking (business)
离婚 divorce
离婚判决 divorce decree
离婚诉讼 suit for divorce
理顺外贸体制 rationalize foreign trade regime
历史法学派 historical school
立案 filing a case
立案条件 condition for filing a case
立法 legislation
立法程序 legislative procedure
立法机关 legislature
立法解释 legislative interpretation
立法精神 legislative spirit
立法权 legislative power
立法宗旨 purpose of legislation
立宪国家 constitutional state
立约能力 capacity to contract
立约资格 capacity to contract
利改税 substitution of tax payment for profit delivery
利滚利 compound interest
利害冲突 conflict of interest
利率杠杆的调节作用 the role of interest rates in resource allocation
利润驱动 profit-driven
利息回收率 interest collection ratio
隶属关系 relationship of administrative subordination
连带责任 joint and several liabilities, joint liability
连工包料合同 contract for work and materials
连锁企业 franchise (businesses)
联邦法 federal law
联合国 the United Nations
联合国大会 United Nations General Assembly
联合兼并 conglomeration and merger of enterprises
联合经营 joint venture
联行清算 inter-bank settlement
联营投资资本 joint trading investment capital
廉政建设 construction of a clean and honest administration
恋爱阶段 in courtship
良性循环 virtuous cycle
两级仲裁 two instance arbitration
两极分化 growing income disparity
两审终结 final judgment after two trials
量刑原则 sentencing principle
了结法律程序 compete legal proceedings
了结诉请 satisfies the claim
了结诉讼因由 satisfaction of the cause of action
林区 forestry district
临经税 temporary business tax
临时付款 provisional payment
磷化锌 phosphorate zinc
零售物价指数 retail price index
零售业 retail trace
领导责任 leadership responsibility
领使人员 consular agent
领养的父母 adoptive parent
领养的子女 adopted child
领养父亲或领养母亲 adopting parent
令公众觉得不雅的行为 offence against public decency
令公众利益受到损害 injurious to the public interest
令公众受到损害 injurious to the public interest
令人反感 offensive
令人反感的文字 offensive writing
令人厌恶 offensive
令人厌恶的人物 offensive personalities
令状 Precept, warrant, writ
令状文稿 draft writ
另行发布 promulgated otherwise, provided otherwise
流动性比例 liquidity ratio
流动资产周转率 velocity of liquid assets
流动资金贷款 working capital loans
流氓 hooligan
流氓行为 act of hoolighism
流氓罪 hooliganism
流通速度 velocity of liquid assets
流通体制 distribution system
流通网络 distribution network
留购 hire purchase
硫酸铵 ammonium sulphate
六法全书 Complete Book of Six Codes
六亲不认 repudiate all of one"s relatives
垄断行业 monopolized industry
路演 road show
履行 performance
履行合同 perform contract
履行合同义务 perform someone"s duty under the contract
履约能力 contractual capacity
律师费 retainer
律师或大律师 attorney
律师事务所 Law Firm
律师行业 the practice of law
律政人员 legal officer
乱搞男女关系 unjustifiable man and woman relationship
乱集资 irregularfund raising
乱收费 irregularcharges
乱摊派 unjustifiedlevies
略有帮忙 is of some assistance
罗马法 Roman law
麻黄素片 ephedrine
麻醉品单一公约 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
麻醉药品 anaesthetic medicine
埋藏物 property buried underground
买方市场 buyer"s market
买卖合同 contract on sales and purchases
买卖婚姻 mercenary marriage
卖出回购证券 matched sale of repo
卖方市场 seller"s market
卖淫 prostitution
满足 satisfaction
满族 Man minority people
冒充 impersonate
冒充国家工作人员招摇撞骗罪 offence of posing as a state personnel in order to cheat
贸易壁垒 trade protectionism
贸易差额 trade balance
贸易惯例 trade usage
贸易逆差 adverse balance of trade, trade deficit
贸易顺差 favorable balance, trade surplus
贸易限制 restraint of trade
没收 Forfeit, confiscate
没收财产 confiscation of property
没有配偶的男女 men and women without spouses
煤炭行业关井压产领导小组办公室 Coal Industry Closing mine Pushing Down Production Leading Group Office
美散痛 methadone
门户网站 portals
盟 prefecture
免除 remit
免二减三 exemption of income tax for the first two years of making profit and 50% tax reduction for the following three years
免收地价批给的土地 land granted at nil premium
免予起诉书面决定 a written decision to exempt from prosecution
面值 nominal value
民法 civil law
民法典 Civil Code
民法理论 civil law theory
民法通则 the General Principles of Civil Law
民间信用 non-institutionalized credit
民警 People"s Police
民事法律程序文件 civil process
民事纠纷 civil dispute
民事判决书 paper of civil judgment
民事赔偿 civil compensation
民事侵权法 law of tort
民事权利 civil rights
民事审判人员 civil judicial officer
民事审判庭 Court of Civil Division
民事诉讼 civil proceedings
民事诉讼程序公约 Civil Procedure Convention
民事诉讼法 Civil Procedural law
民事责任 civil liability/liabilities
民事主体资格 qualifications of civil subject
民用航空管理制度 system of civil aviation management
民政 civil affairs
民政部 Ministry of Civil Affairs
民主集中制 democratic centralism
民族平等 equality of the peoples
民族乡 nationality township
名牌产品 brand products
名义上的 nominal damages
名誉权 right of reputation
名誉权案件 case concerning the right of reputation
明补 explicit subsidy
明亏 explicit loss
明码标价 sell at expressly marked price
明政专员 ombudsman
命令 injunction
模棱两可 ambiguity
默示合同 implied contract
默示条款 implied terms
谋取暴利 reap staggering profits, seek exorbitant profits
谋杀 murder
某甲 John Doe one
某人应当为某事负责 Somebody shall be (is) held liable for something
母法 mother law
母公司 holding company
母女关系 mother and daughter relationship
亩 mu
内部交易 insides dealing
内部控制 internal control
内部审计 internal audit
内部通知 internal circular
内地段 inland lot
内地与香港 the mainland and Hong Kong
内乱 civil commotion/civial disturbance
内蒙古自治区 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
内幕 backdoor
内幕交易 insider dealing
内幕交易审裁处 Insider Dealing Tribunal
内幕交易者 insider dealer
内庭 chambers
内庭处理 dispose of in chambers
内庭法官 judge in chambers
内庭法律程序 proceedings in chambers
内债 domestic debt
纳妾 concubinage
纳税卡 Taxation Payment Voucher
男方离婚没有理由 the husband has no reason for divorce
男女平等 men and women are equal(s)., equality of men and women, equality between [of] the sexes
脑外伤综合症 combined external head injuries
年报 annual report
年度账目 annual accounts
扭亏为盈 turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one
扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resources
纽约公约 New York Convention
农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labour
农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives
农副产品采购支出 outlays for agricultural procurement
农工商联合企业 agro-industrial-commercial combines
农垦区 land reclamation district
农民集体 peasant collective
农药残留物 pesticide residue
农业部 Ministry of Agriculture
农业发展银行 Agriculture Development Bank
农业税 agricultural tax
农转非 rural residents become urban residents
虐待 maltreat
虐待罪 crime of abuse
挪用公款 misappropriation of public funds