发布时间:2011/10/31 浏览次数:1551
子夜四时歌 秋歌 李白
子夜四时歌 秋歌 A Song Of An Autumn Midnight
长安一片月,A glimpse of the moon shines over the capital of Chang"an;
万户捣衣声,as the sounds of washing-mallets beating against the cloths resonate amidst the ten thousands families.
秋风吹不尽,The wind of autumn never ceased to howl,
总是玉关情,and the affection of the Jade Passage consumes the hearts for all eternity.
何日平胡虏,Oh, when, when is the Tartar army to be conquered (defeated),
良人罢远征, and my husband (或lover) shall come back from the long journey (或battle)!