• 日本单身人数创历史新高 1/4不想找对象


    Record numbers of young Japanese do not have boyfriends or girlfriends, and many do not want one, according to a survey by the country"s government. Sixty-one percent of unmarried men aged 18 and 34 do not have a partner, nor do half of unmarried women the same age. The numbers have increased since the previous survey in 2005. Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world - and i... 查看详细

  • Two-thirds of Britons cannot say anything in a foreign language – with one fifth even unsure of what ‘bonjour’ means, a study claims.


    Italy"s former prime minister and cruise-ship crooner Silvio Berlusconi released an album of love songs on his last day in office on Wednesday. The self-declared Latin lover, who often boasted he single-handedly kept large groups entertained for hours on end with his charm and silky voice, wrote the lyrics for the album entitled True Love. His singer friend Mariano Apicella performs the ... 查看详细

  • 三分之二英国人完全不会说外语


    Two-thirds of Britons cannot say anything in a foreign language – with one fifth even unsure of what ‘bonjour’ means, a study claims. The findings appear to confirm the cliche about Britons being notoriously bad at making an effort to speak the lingo when abroad. Overall, 64 percent of those polled admitted they did not know a single word in any language other than English. And just one... 查看详细

  • 美国财政部发行龙年“吉利钱” 发行量创纪录


    The US Treasury Department on Tuesday unveiled "Year of the Dragon" one-dollar notes, as a special seasonal gift featuring the most symbolic icon of Chinese traditional culture, in celebration of the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year. US Treasurer Rosie Rios unveiled the newest additions to the Treasury"s Lucky Money Collection at a news conference at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (B... 查看详细

  • 夏威夷歌手APEC晚宴唱“占领歌”


    A popular Hawaiian singer used his performance at a dinner of world leaders hosted by President Barack Obama to voice his support for the "Occupy" movement. Makana was enlisted to play a luau, or Hawaiian feast, for members of the Pacific Rim who had gathered in Obama"s birthplace Honolulu for an annual summit formulating plans for a Pacific free-trade pact. During the meal on the resort... 查看详细

  • 日本潮女流行整“虎牙”


    Perfect teeth - white, straight and evenly aligned - may be the ideal in America, but that aesthetic is not for everyone. Japanese women are going gaga for a crowded, crooked-toothed smile with accentuated canine teeth, known as the "yaeba" look. Popular at dentists in Tokyo, a cosmetic procedure to create the yaeba effect involves attaching non-permanent adhesive mini-fangs to canine tee... 查看详细

  • 英上万父母为孩子储存脐带血 但功效存疑


    Today there are about ten businesses in the UK offering to freeze and store cord blood and industry insiders estimate that up to 100,000 parents have chosen to do so in the UK. The global stem-cell market is forecast to treble to a staggering £40 billion by 2015. Cord blood contains embryonic stem cells. They can be made into more specialised cells and can reproduce co... 查看详细

  • 情侣争相预约三“十二”结婚吉日


    It’s taken an exact year of planning for the staff at Chapel of the Flowers to prepare for the extraordinary onslaught of Friday’s 11/11/11 wedding ceremonies. The first service is set for 8 am, and they will run nonstop for 15 hours in three chapels until 11:11 pm. Couples at this local marriage Mecca are arriving from as far away as Great Britain, Canada, Hungary, French Polynesia and S... 查看详细

  • 意总理贝卢斯科尼将辞职 多名议员倒戈


    Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said on Tuesday he would resign after suffering a humiliating setback in parliament that showed a party revolt had stripped him of a majority. Berlusconi confirmed a statement from President Giorgio Napolitano that he would step down as soon as parliament passed urgent budget reforms demanded by European leaders after Italy was sucked into epicente... 查看详细

  • 杰克逊死亡案宣判 私人医生过失杀人罪成立


    Michael Jackson was killed with a lethal dose of anaesthetic by his personal physician Dr Conrad Murray, a jury has decided at the doctor"s trial in Los Angeles. Following a six-week case, cardiologist Dr Conrad Murray, 58, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after the jury decided his treatment of the singer had been criminally negligent. Murray, who will lose his medical licence,... 查看详细

  • 普京虐妻花心 与女间谍有私生子


    Vladimir Putin has been accused of being a wife-beater and philanderer by German spies. The Russian prime minister allegedly had several affairs while he was himself a spy in Dresden in the late Eighties. Files from West German spy agency BND published in the German media claim an interpreter agent befriended Putin’s wife Lyudmila, who poured her heart out about her marriage. She allege... 查看详细

  • 美国极贫人口创历史新高占十五分之一


    The ranks of America"s poorest poor have climbed to a record high — 1 in 15 people — spread widely across metropolitan areas as the housing bust pushed many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and shriveled jobs and income. New census data paint a stark portrait of the nation"s haves and have-nots at a time when unemployment remains persistently high. It comes a week be... 查看详细

  • 职场女性每天只有30分钟“个人专属时间”


    Sarah Jessica Parker recently played a frantic working mother struggling to "have it all". But it seems life is imitating art as women across the country are so busy juggling their work and home lives - they barely have any time to themselves. It"s no wonder when 75 percent of Brits work 12 hour days - with 31 percent admitting to 30 minutes "me-time" on an average day, a survey revealed... 查看详细

  • 英国:离婚后父亲不准探视?


    Fathers and grandparents will not be given any legal right to see children after a break-up, under the biggest changes to family law in a generation. In what was immediately denounced as a ‘betrayal’ of the family, a major report today rules against giving men shared or equal time with their children when a relationship ends. It suggests fathers will even be denied the legal right to mai... 查看详细

  • 研究:乘车上下班有害健康


    Workers who commute by car, bus or train to the office are more likely to suffer from stress and exhaustion, according to a study. Scientists assessed 12,000 employees aged between 18 and 65. They found that those who travelled to work by car or public transport reported higher levels of stress and tiredness compared to active commuters who travelled by foot or bicycle. It is now expect... 查看详细

  • 乔布斯遗作 苹果将推出全功能电视


    It might spell the end of fiddling around for remote controls in between the sofa cushions. The upcoming big Apple TV will use iPhone"s Siri "personal assistant" as its main control method - and will use touch control as a back up. Leaks from Apple"s manufacturing chain say that Apple has been working on prototype sets since September - according to a design blueprint laid down by late C... 查看详细

  • 13名北约军人在阿富汗自杀袭击中丧生


    A suicide car bomber attacked a NATO convoy in Kabul Saturday killing 13 NATO troops from the international security force or ISAF (according to ISAF) and at least 4 (four) Afghans. At least eight others were wounded in the attack. Twelve of the dead NATO troops are reported to be U.S. service members. Canadian news outlets say one of the service members was from Canada. 一名自杀汽车炸弹杀手星期六在喀布尔袭击了北约的一个... 查看详细

  • 加沙边境发生激战后以巴都希望停火


    The border between Israel and the Gaza Strip remains tense after an eruption of deadly violence on Saturday. Robert Berger reports from the VOA bureau in Jerusalem. 在以色列与加沙地带之间的地区星期六爆发致命的暴力事件之后,那里的局势仍然很紧张。 Israel and the Islamic Jihad group are signaling they are interested in an informal ceasefire after a wave of tit-for-tat attacks on the Gaza border. 在加沙边境发生了一波以牙还牙的袭击后,以色列和伊斯兰圣战组织都发出信号表示,他们... 查看详细

  • 美向索马里派出间谍无人机


    U.S. officials have acknowledged they are sending drone aircraft from Ethiopia to conduct surveillance in Somalia, but say it has nothing to do with Kenya"s ongoing military operation there. Kenya has vowed to continue fighting until it has curtailed the activities of the Somali militant group al-Shabab. 美国官员承认,他们从埃塞俄比亚派遣无人飞机到索马里实施侦察任务。但是美国同时表示此举和肯尼亚正在索马里进行的军事行动无关。肯尼亚已经誓言将继续战斗,直到能够限制索马里激进组织青年党的活动... 查看详细

  • 印度性别失衡 兄弟“共妻”泛滥


    When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband"s two brothers who had failed to find wives. "My husband and his parents said I had to share myself with his brothers," said the woman in her mid-40s, dressed in a yellow sari, sitting in a ... 查看详细

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