• Urban railway transportation to boom in China


    蓬勃发展的中国城市铁路运输系统 “The total scale of urban railway transportation in China is no bigger than that of London, ” said Qiu Baoxing, Vice Minister of Construction on August 2, at China Urbanization and Transportation Development Conference in Beijing. “中国的城市铁路系统总里程数还不及伦敦。”建设部副部长仇保兴8月2日在中国城市交通发展会议上指出。 In fact, urban railway transportation is witnessing a rapid development in China at present. By 201... 查看详细

  • Death Toll Rises, Downpour Continues in SW China


    中国西南部持续暴雨,死亡人数不断攀升 Thirty-five people are dead and 11 are missing as rainstorms continue to lash southwest China"s Chongqing municipality, according to the municipal flood control office. 中国西南部直辖市重庆市市政洪水控制办公室声称,持续暴雨已导致35人死亡,11人失踪。  More than 5.12 million people were affected by the rainstorms. 暴雨影响了512万以上人口的生活。  About 152,750 hectares of farmland were damaged, and 1,854 cattle killed, with lo... 查看详细

  • Humans walk upright to conserve energy


    揭秘人类为何直立行走 Why did humans evolve to walk upright? Perhaps because it"s just plain easier. Make that “energetically less costly” in science-speak. 人类为何进化到了直立行走的姿态?可能这是因为直立行走要容易得多。用科学术语来说,直立行走能“节省能量”。 Bipedalism-walking on two feet-is one of the defining characteristics of being human, and scientists have debated for years how it came about. In the latest attempt to find an explanation, r... 查看详细

  • Salary increases not in step with rising cost of living: Survey


    Salary increases not in step with rising cost of living我国工资涨幅达12%?! A recent survey conducted by the China Youth Daily showed that 85 percent of those interviewed said their salary increases were less than the country"s average annual growth rate: 12 percent, according to National Statistics Bureau. 《中国青年报》最近开展的一项全国性调查显示,85%的受访者认为我国工资的增幅低于国家统计局统计的工资年平均增长率12%。 Figures show the country is go... 查看详细

  • Trial opens for brick kiln slave bosses


    公开审判黑砖窑主 BEIJING - A dozen people went on trial in northern China on Wednesday, charged with murder and illegal detention at brick kilns in a slave labor scandal that shocked the country and exposed the hardships of China"s huge migrant work force. 黑砖窑事件中的12人周三在中国北方受到审判,他们被指控为故意谋杀和非法拘禁。这个事件引起全国震惊,暴露出中国巨大的民工群体生存的艰辛。 An official of the Linfen People’s Intermediate Court who declined to b... 查看详细

  • New British PM's wife could soften image


    英国第一夫人之初步印象 Sarah Brown, the discreet wife of Britain"s new Prime Minister Gordon Brown, offers a stark contrast to Tony Blair"s high-profile spouse Cherie -- and could help soften her husband"s dour image. 英国新任首相戈登·布朗的夫人莎拉低调谦逊,与布莱尔夫人切丽的高调形象形成鲜明对比,这可能有助于平衡布朗严肃古板的形象。 Cherie has never shied away from wearing an "I Love TB" badge at a Labour conference, detailing her first kiss to a journa... 查看详细

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