为了应对日益严重的青少年肥胖问题,法国政府决定向可口可乐等含糖软饮征收“肥胖税”。据悉,这项新税收政策实行后,将向每罐可口可乐或芬达征收1%的“肥胖税”,不过,不含糖的健怡可乐不在征税范围内。“肥胖税”每年将为政府带来超过1亿欧元的额外收入,这笔资金将用于补贴法国农民的社会保障。在此之前,法国政府刚刚宣布要在学校餐厅限制番茄酱和盐的供给,规定学校餐厅每周只配发一次番茄酱和蛋黄酱,用以搭配薯条食用,其余时间不予供给。 France is to impose a "fat tax" on sugary soft drinks in a bid to combat soaring child obesity. The new tax will add just over 1p to a can of fizzy drink like Coca-Cola or Fanta but ze... 查看详细
正向地球袭来的美国报废卫星预计将于美国东部时间9月23日下午到达地球,但具体落地地点目前无从得知。不过美国宇航局表示,降落地点肯定不在北美。目前,美国宇航局和空军正在密切追踪这颗卫星及其毁灭轨道。科学家预计,将有26块大型碎片穿过地球大气层到达地球,降落到地面的卫星残片重量约1170镑(合532公斤)。科学家同时指出,碎片坠落范围大概为800公里,碎片击中人的几率约为三千二百分之一,但是落入城镇等人口密集地区的几率很小。美国宇航局提醒民众,如果真的看到疑似卫星碎片的物质,千万不要触碰,要及时与当地执法部门联系。 A dead NASA satellite will plummet to Earth on Friday (Sept. 23), and while the U.S. space agency doesn"t know exactly where pieces of t... 查看详细
苹果公司创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯因癌症于美国时间周三去世,享年56岁。苹果公司官方网站首页目前已换成乔布斯大幅照片。网站发布的消息说:“苹果失去了一位富有远见和创造力的天才,世界失去了一个不可思议之人。”2004年乔布斯被诊断出患胰腺癌,今年8月他宣布辞去苹果公司CEO一职。乔布斯2005年在斯坦福大学的毕业典礼演讲时曾说道:“记住自己随时都会死掉,是防止你陷入畏首畏尾陷阱的最好方法……你已经一无所有了,没有理由不去追随你的心。” Apple Inc co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, counted among the greatest American CEOs of his generation, died on Wednesday at the age of 56, after a years-long and hi... 查看详细
In U.S. politics, Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney pledged Friday to strengthen the U.S. military to deal with threats from abroad if he is elected president next year. The former Massachusetts governor and current Republican front-runner gave a sweeping foreign policy address at the Citadel, a military college in South Carolina. 在美国政坛,共和党总统参选人罗姆尼10月7日(星期五)承诺,如果他明年选上总统将加强美国军力应对来自海... 查看详细
天工造物,无奇不有。德国的一只黑天鹅最近竟然“爱”上了一条天鹅形状的小船。 A swan in Germany has apparently fallen in love - with a swan-shaped paddle boat. 在德国明斯特的一个池塘中,一只痴情的黑天鹅在过去的3个星期里一直守在一条天鹅形状的船的周围,和它“谈情说爱”。而这条船的大小足足是它的5倍。 The bird has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel, which is five times its size, on the lake they share in the town of Muenster. 在Aasee池塘出租游船的彼得说,这只天鹅看起来已经被天鹅形状的船深深地打动,不能自拔了。 ... 查看详细
俄亥俄州的发明者克兰西从1988年起便产生了发明这种无绳跳绳的想法。本月,美国专利局对52岁的Clancy颁发了无绳跳绳专利证书。克兰西介绍说,无绳跳绳手柄中可以移动的重物会让使用者觉得是有绳索在移动。 And for that idea kicking around Clancy"s head since 1988, the U.S. Patent Office this month awarded the 52-year-old Mansfield, Ohio, man a patent. Its number: 7037243. What makes this invention work is the moving weights inside the handles. They simulate the feel of a rope moving, Clancy s... 查看详细
北京奥运会竞赛日程确定 游泳决赛上午举行 The swimming finals and much of the gymnastics at the 2008 Beijing Olympics will be held in the morning, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Thursday in Beijing. The competition schedule for the Games had finally been agreed by the IOC"s executive board "after a thorough consultation process", IOC coordination commission chairman Hein Verbruggen said at a news... 查看详细
“股神”巴菲特挤掉盖茨 成全球首富 转载 Warren Buffett, the famed U.S. investor who heads Berkshire Hathaway Inc, replaced his friend and Microsoft Corp founder Bill Gates as the richest man in the world, Forbes magazine said on Wednesday. Warren Buffett, the famed US investor who heads Berkshire Hathaway Inc, replaced his friend and Microsoft Corp founder Bill Gates as the richest man in the world, Forbes magazin... 查看详细
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月24日 09:20 中国日报网站 马英九当选台湾地区领导人 Taiwan"s Kuomintang (KMT) declared its candidate, Ma Ying-jeou, won the island"s leadership election on Saturday, according to an initial ballot count. 根据选片的初步统计,国民党宣布其候选人马英九赢得了周六举行的台湾领导人选举。 Taiwan residents began voting in the leadership election at 8 a.m., voting ended at 4 p.m.. Results are expected at 9.30 p.m... 查看详细
职场双语:给应届毕业生的求职建议 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月27日 09:59 中国日报网站 They Don"t Teach Corporate in College: A Twenty-Something"s Guide to the Business World By Alexandra Levit I will never forget how lost I felt the summer after my graduation from college, and in the nine years since, I"ve spoken to countless 20-somethings who feel incredibly pressured to find their true calling immediately a... 查看详细
地球真的受伤了........ More wood was removed from forests in 2005 than ever before, one of many troubling environmental signs highlighted on Thursday in the Worldwatch Institute"s annual check of the planet"s health. 上周四,世界观察研究学会一年一度的“地球健康体检”报告出炉。2005年,地球的森林砍伐量创历史新高,这是该报告强调的众多环境问题征兆之一。 The Washington-based think tank"s "Vit... 查看详细
伊战死亡人数触目惊心 达120万人 A startling new household survey of Iraqis released last week claims as many as 1.2 million people may have died because of the conflict in Iraq - apparently lending weight to a 2006 survey in the Lancet that reported similarly high levels. 据上周公布的一项最新伊拉克住户调查显示,多达120万人死于伊战及战争爆发以来的各种暴力冲突。这一令人震惊的结果进一步增加了《柳叶刀》杂志2006年一项调查结果的可信度,后者所统计的伊战死亡人数也达到很高水平。 The estimates, extrapolated f... 查看详细
英国:科学家发明“不粘口香糖” Scientists have developed a non-stick chewing gum that can be easily removed from pavements, shoes and clothes. 近日,科学家们研发出一种“不粘口香糖”,这种新型口香糖很容易从街道、鞋子和衣服上清除。 The new gum, the result of polymer research at the University of Bristol, could be launched commercially in 2008, its developers said on Friday. 据该产品的开发商上周五介绍,这种新型口香糖是由英国布里斯托尔大学聚合体研究中心研发出来的,有望于... 查看详细
On Oct. 26, the State Department e-mailed 250 diplomats and told them that they might be ordered, whether they like it or not, to fill about 50 positions in Iraq next year. It was no secret the U.S. was considering compulsory Iraq service for its diplomatic corps, but the e-mails sparked outrage nevertheless. 10月26日,美国国务院给250名外交官发了一封电子邮件,告诉他们明年可能会被派往伊拉克去填补50个职位,不管他们愿不愿意。美国正在考虑强制性地派外交团队前往伊拉克,这... 查看详细
中国加强与日关系 TOKYO -- China"s top political advisor Jia Qinglin said Thursday that China has always attached great importance to Sino-Japanese relations. 东京电 中国政协主席贾庆林星期四说到:发展中日友好关系是中国的长期政策。Jia, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), made the remarks at a meeting with Eda Satsuki, president of the House of Councillors of Japan. ... 查看详细
中国拟在海南新建太空发射中心 China plans to construct a new space launch center in Wenchang, China"s southernmost Hainan Province, according to official sources. 钟国拟在位于中国最南端的海南省文昌新建一个太空发射中心。The new launch center aims to serve the next-generation rocket carriers that do emit poisonous and pollutive gas and new-type spacecraft. 新的发射中心将用于发射确实会释放出有毒污染气体的下一代火箭航母以及新型的宇宙飞船。 The new launch site will be m... 查看详细
上海出租车将禁烟 中国日报上海电:上海出租车将掀起一场禁烟运动,这是上海在2010年世博会前大力推行计划以改变城市形象措施中的一部分。 SHANGHAI: A new campaign to ban smoking in taxis is part of a wider push to clean up the city"s image before the 2010 World Expo.上海大众出租车公司称如果司机在车内吸烟可能被罚款甚至会被暂时停职。 The Shanghai Dazhong Taxi, a taxi company, said drivers found smoking in their cabs could "possibly" be fined or even temporarily banned from working. 公司已在所有9100辆出租车... 查看详细
别了,永远的帕瓦罗蒂 Luciano Pavarotti, whose vibrant high C"s and ebullient showmanship made him the most beloved and celebrated tenor since Caruso and one of the few opera"s biggest superstar of the late 20th century, died Thursday. He was 71. 世界著名男高音歌唱家卢奇亚诺•帕瓦罗蒂于本周四逝世,享年71岁。帕瓦罗蒂凭借其激昂的“高音C”及热情洋溢的演唱成为继卡卢索之后最受人们爱戴和最著名的男高音歌唱家,并成为20世纪晚期最负盛名的几位歌剧大师之一。 His manager, Terri Robson, told the AP in ... 查看详细
城市排名:北京最美丽 香港最安全 Beijing is the most beautiful city in China and Hong Kong the safest and second most beautiful, according to a study by the China Institute of City Competitiveness. 聚众国城市竞争力研究会的一项调查,北京被评为中国最美丽的城市;香港名列第二,并被评为全国最安全的城市。 The capital came in ahead of 558 other mainland cities and the two SARs, with a score of 0.756 points out of one for its impressive historical monuments and ... 查看详细
中国部署世界最大人民追踪网络 News.com reports that China is building the largest and most sophisticated people-tracking network in the world, all to track citizens in the city of Shenzhen. This network utilizes 20,000 intelligent digital cameras and RFID cards to keep track of the 12.4 million people living in the Southern port city. The key to the system is the new residency cards fitted with powerful c... 查看详细