时代强音 湖光山色 节日祝愿 智慧人生 大师经典 诗歌欣赏
  • 01年世界500强名称中英对照


    1 Exxon Mobil 埃克森美孚 美国 炼油     2 Wal-Mart Stores 沃尔玛商店 美国 零售     3 General Motors 通用汽车 美国 汽车     4 Ford Motor 福特汽车 美国 汽车     5 DaimlerChrysler 戴姆勒克莱斯勒 德国 汽车     6 Royal Dutch/Shell Group 皇家荷兰壳牌集团 荷兰/英国 炼油     7 BP 英国石油 英国 炼油     8 General Electric 通用电气 美国 电子电气    ... 查看详细

  • 各航空公司名称中英文对照


    中国南方航空公司、China Southern Airlines 日本航空公司、Japan Airlines 全日空航空公司、All Nippon Airways、 大韩航空公司、Korean Air 韩亚航空公司、Asiana Airlines、 蒙古航空公司、MIAT Mongolian Airlines 国泰航空公司、cathay PacificAirways、 港龙航空公司、Dragonair 澳门航空公司、Air Macau、 中华航空公司、China Airlines 长荣航空公司、EvaAir、 新加坡航空公司、Singapore Airli... 查看详细

  • Larry. Ellison's loony speaking in Yale University


    有史以来最狂妄的演讲 演讲人 Larry. Ellison是Oracle的CEO。 Larry. Ellison在耶鲁大学2000届毕业典礼上发表了以下世人看来最为狂妄、不受欢迎但又是现实真实状况的演讲。 耶鲁的毕业生们,我很抱歉——如果你们不喜欢这样的开场。我想请你们为我做一件事。请你---好好看一看周围,看一看站在你左边的同学,看一看站在你右边的同学。 Graduates of Yale University, I apologize if you have endured this type of prologue before, but I want... 查看详细

  • Mother Teresa:smile and love


    特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞大的慈善机构网,赢得了国际社会的广泛尊敬。1979年被授予诺贝尔和平奖。本文所选即好在领取该奖项时的演讲辞,语言简洁质朴而感人至深。诺贝尔奖领奖台上响起的声音往往都是文采飞扬、热烈、激昂。而特雷莎修女的演说朴实无华,其所举事例听来似平凡之至,然而其中所蕴含的伟大而神圣的爱感人至深。 The poor are very wonderful people. One evening we went out and we picked up four pe... 查看详细

  • Ernest Hemingway’s Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech


    No writer who knows the great writers who did not receive the Prize can accept it other than with humility. There is no need to list these writers. Everyone here may make his own list according to his knowledge and his conscience. It would be impossible for me to ask the Ambassador of my count... 查看详细

  • A Tribute to the Dog


    这是一篇奇文,因为它是一篇法庭辩护词,作者是当时接触的演讲家和辩论家。辩词的撼人之处在于拿出人类兽性的一面与狗人性的一面做对比,引起法官们对狗的感激和同情,以及对杀狗人的强烈憎恶。这不仅是一篇辩护词,也是一篇优秀的讲演稿,更是对人性的呼唤…… 最后作者靠这篇奇文打动了陪审,并因此赢得了胜利。既然是奇文,那就奇文共欣赏吧! George Graham The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he ha... 查看详细

  • President Bush gives a speech at Tsinghua University


    Vice President Hu, thank you for your kind and generous remarks. Thank you for welcoming me and my wife, Laura, here. I am so grateful for the hospitality and honored for the reception at one of China"s and world’s great universities. The standards and reputation of this university are know... 查看详细

  • Shall We Choose Death?


    Bertrand Russell I am speaking not as a Briton, not as a European, not as a member of a western democracy, but as a human being, a member of the species Man, whose continued existence is in doubt. The world is full of conflicts: Jews and Arabs; Indians and Pakistanis; white men and Negroes in... 查看详细

  • I have a dream


    I say to you, my friends, so even though we must face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I say to you, my friends, so even though we must face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is ... 查看详细

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